Holistic Nutrition is a natural approach to health that uses evidence-based research to optimize nutritional needs, make health promoting lifestyle choices, and to reduce stress and toxins. Instead of focusing on just one aspect of a person, or a one size fits all approach, holistic nutrition evaluates the complete health history, emotional state, lifestyle habits and current diet choices of an individual to determine the root cause of their health issues.  Your body was designed to function on proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals obtained through food. Your cells, tissues and organs all require these specific nutrients to perform their function. These should come from the diet. The long-term effects of nutrient deficiencies are what we commonly refer to as chronic disease.  Have you ever considered this word, disease?  If you break it down it is Dis Ease in the body. Holistic nutrition identifies nutrient deficiencies and weak areas in the diet. Replenishing nutrients that have become deficient in the body, provides the body with the tools it needs to repair itself. A proper diet should therefore form the basis for all forms of treatment, natural or otherwise.

From there, the goal is to empower and educate the client to improve their health with the use of nutrient dense foods, nutritional supplementation and lifestyle recommendations.  When you understand how your body works and what it needs to function optimally then it is easier to make informed choices to feel great!

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use.
When diet is correct, medicine is of no need

– Ayurvedic Proverb

Holistic nutrition recognizes that you are unique in your nutritional needs and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. By evaluating your current diet, together with your individual characteristics and health challenges, a personalized nutritional roadmap can be created; steering you toward improved health and restored vitality.

Are Holistic Nutritionists Covered On Benefits Programs?

It depends which company you use, and this is constantly changing – more and more companies are starting to cover Holistic Nutritionists.

If your benefits plan is under Greenshield or Manulife, it should be covered; however, it’s typically under “Nutritional Counselling / Social Work / Counselling” and is not the same as being covered with a Registered Dietician or Registered Nutritionist. If your benefits plan is under Sunlife, Great West Life or Pacific Blue Cross, there is a chance it’s covered, but you will have to call to confirm.

The more times that you request Holistic Nutrition to be covered, the more likely this will keep expanding to be covered under more plans.

How Can I Help You?

Cardiology-With over 20 years working with cardiac patients, my first passion is the heart.  I fully understand the intricate workings of the heart, how to keep it healthy and supporting it to work it’s best.  If the heart doesn’t work well then nothing else does.  I work with my clients and their physicians to support them to a more heart healthy lifestyle. I identify nutrient deficiencies that are the result of medications and that are lacking in dietary intake.  Through nutritional supplementation and optimal diet targeting inflammation and nutrient density the heart can beat happily.

Digestion-Of course the way to everyone’s heart is through their stomach.  I work with my clients to ensure a healthy digestive tract so that the food they are eating is digested and absorbed properly.  I identify nutrient deficiencies, food intolerance and guide my clients to make healthy food choices to decrease digestive distress.